It is indeed a dreadful crime

Not to admit the backward time.


An observer sees only light that reaches his retina.


Any light burst always takes places before it is seen, as photons need some time in order to reach the observer. 


Therefore the movement of photons and any objects approaching the observer occurs “from early to later”, from past to the future, i.e. within ordinary, going ahead positive time.


In contrast, photons and other objects, which are going away from the observer, move rearwards, i.e. back in time. For example, any space object is as deeper in the past as it is farther from the Earth.


Our eye cannot register the photons, which moves away. 


But any object caught in a flow of retreating photons may reflect and re-direct them toward the observer. Then we will see these photons with some delay indicating that a negative increase of time occurred.


If the speed of an object is lower than the speed of light, the photons reach it pretty soon. The object will become a source of reflected light and as such will sooner or later be registered by the observer. Its time will be positive despite some postponement.


If the speed of an object is equivalent to the speed of light, the negative increase will cancel the whole positive time course. Time becomes “zero”, stops and the object will display properties of waves, i.e. the ability to exist in several (many) places at the same moment. All energy-carrying particles with no mass have the speed of lighty. Both visible and “invisible” particles are among them.


Finally, for an object moving with the superluminal speed, time is entirely reverted – directed from future into the past, takes negative values. Objects in the negative time are by no means available for visual control.